It’s that time of the month where we focus on the key dates to look out for when planning next month’s social media calendar and with May on the horizon (yes we know already!), we’ve put together all the information you need.

It’s crazy to think that summer is nearly upon us (it’s still snowing in April!), it doesn’t seem two minutes since the lucky ones amongst us were rushing off to spend one day with our families over Christmas.

But one major advantage of getting to May already, is that this month is packed full of key dates to fit into your social media content plans.

Now we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, we’re not all Innocent, you don’t need to fit every single one into your calendars but with so much going on, there’s something for everyone and oh boy, do they vary.

From Mental Health Awareness Week and Time for a Cuppa (Dementia UK) to World Biscuit Day and British Sandwich Week, there are messages to be conveyed for everyone in May.

That much so, that there is even a day named ‘National Lost Socks Day’ – are you like me and have a pile of lonesome socks waiting to be reunited with their long-lost partner? Well this day gives you the chance to get rid of those. I mean come on, you’d be a monster if you wore a Tuesday and a Wednesday sock at the same time!

Anyway I digress… for that and many more, check out the list below 👇

Saturday 1st – Monday 31st May – National Walking Month

Saturday 1st – Monday 31st May – National Share-a-Story Month

Saturday 1st – Monday 31st May – Local & Community History Month

Saturday 1st – Saturday 8th May – Time for a Cuppa (Dementia UK)

Monday 3rd May – May Day Bank Holiday

Tuesday 4th May – Star Wars Day

Wednesday 5th May – Cinco De Mayo

Saturday 8th May – World Fairtrade Day

Sunday 9th – Saturday 15th May – National Doughnut Week

Sunday 9th May – National Lost Socks Day

Monday 10th – Sunday 16th May – National Vegetarian Week

Monday 1oth – Saturday 15th May – Food Allergy Awareness Week

Monday 10th – Sunday 16th May – Mental Health Awareness Week

Tuesday 11th May – Eat What You Want Day

Tuesday 11th – Friday 14th May – Water Saving Week

Thursday 13th May – International Hummus Day

Monday 17th – Sunday 23rd May – British Sandwich Week

Friday 21st May – International Tea Day

Sunday 23rd – Sunday 30th May – English Wine Week

Friday 28th May – World Hunger Day

Saturday 29th May – World Biscuit Day

We told you there was quite a few!

You’ve probably got ideas flying around your head already on what content you are going to create for some of those key dates and we’re challenging you (if you don’t do this already) to also plan and begin your Instagram Reels strategy in May.

Now it’s vital that you don’t just post one and that’s it for another six months. You need to work on a strategy that works for you i.e. what value can you give to your followers through posting Reels, how often will you post them and making sure you get to know the features and tools within Reels first!

Luckily for you, in this very Huddle Hub that you are in now, we’ve put together a guide which is the perfect place to get started. Check it out here 👇

All the Instagram Reels features you need to know about!

Not only are Reels extremely entertaining but they are great for discovery – you will soon notice how many more views you get on your Reels compared to the videos that you post everyday on your feed.

The Instagram Algorithm sees Reels as its little baby and is doing everything to push it out to the world and “brag” about it.

Whether that’s through the Reels tab which you will have seen on your profile or the explore page, Reels are everywhere, so you need to be producing them!

Work on that strategy, check out our features guide and if you get your Reels up and running in May, remember to tag us in yours so we can share the love!

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