Influencer Marketing – Huddle Social Hub

For me, it is one of the most powerful forms of promotion for your brand on social media, but for many, micro-influencer campaigns are still heavily underutilised. Come on guys, you’re missing a trick!

Not only do 77% of micro-influencers create content every day (SocialPubli) but 99% say they believe in what they promote and for me that is the reason why your brand needs to be applying micros to your influencer marketing strategy.

Quite often brands can be pulled in by follower numbers and the fact that a certain celebrity has over 1 million followers means they won’t look anywhere else for influencers, even though their preferred route will most likely cost an arm and a leg and on most occasions will just stand there holding your product…

Getting it right with Macro-Influencers

Don’t get me wrong, working with celebrities and well-known icons on your Influencer marketing plan can add immense value if you have the right person for the right brand.

As an agency we worked with former England footballer Daniel Strurridge on a project, which saw him team up with a drink he had been enjoying all his life, Nurishment. Not only did we work with Daniel on countless occasions and get much, much more out of him than just him standing with a can of Nurishment, but the relationship had a real family and authentic feel to it, with his parents even coming along for one of the shoots.

Opportunities to work alongside people like Daniel, who are both a celebrity and have a love for the product/service can be hard to come by, which in my opinion is why 82% of consumers are more likely to act on a recommendation if it comes from a micro-influencer (Experticity).

Why you may ask? It’s all about the authenticity and genuine nature of micro-influencers. Quite simply, they are already big fans and users of the product or service they are posting about. That builds trust and building trust in a very niche community, can be extremely powerful when it comes to influencing others.

Whilst you might reach more people by using a macro influencer, consumers are more likely to believe someone who has an actual interest in that product rather than someone who is just reading or writing off a script for a large amount of money… plus there are some amazing content creators amongst the micro-influencers of this world!

Micro-Influencer Hints & Tips

Now that I’ve got that off my chest, it’s time for a brew, grab yourself one and check out these tips on how to run your micro-influencer campaigns:

  • When searching for your micro-influencers, don’t let follower numbers dictate your decision, someone with 1,000 followers may have a much higher engagement rate in their field than someone with 20,000 followers – as a guide stick to 1,000-10,000 followers for your campaigns.
  • Try to find people who already use your product or service but in a way that suits your goals and what you need from an influencer.
  • If you can’t find the number of influencers you need who are already talking about your product or your account is fairly new, look for influencers who are doing something similar in your specific field.
  • Once you’ve chosen your influencers, drop them a DM, talk about the products, gauge their interest and offer to send them some product to try or to use.
  • Once that initial relationship has been built up, make it clear to your micro-influencers that you would like them to post to their social media channels once they receive their product or service.
  • The key is then to coach them throughout the process, giving them advice and assistance where required. A good micro-influencer won’t need much guidance but it’s always good to stay in touch!
  • Once they start posting to their timelines and stories, make the most of it! Share to your Instagram story, re-purpose for your timeline  and keep an eye on the engagements on your influencers posts, there may be some opportunities for your brand to jump in and join a discussion or at least follow someone who has shown an interest in your brand.
  • The final step is to make a decision for your next set of influencers – retain those who posted well and added value to your brand, whilst those who did not engage as you would have liked should be churned out and replaced, with that process continuing until you have a healthy set of 5-10 influencers who you can supply product or a service to on a monthly basis.

By Adam Woodhouse, Activations and Account Manager

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